Sunday, August 5, 2012


This past week the previous owners of our house moved out and we got a chance to see the blank canvas that is our first home. It was exciting to walk into the home we had walked through so many times and see it empty and waiting for us to make it our own.

Sometimes it's still hard to believe that we own a home. It probably has to do with the fact that we're still living in our apartment. Over the next month we'll be slowly moving into the house as we do some major renovations to our bathrooms before we officially call it our home. More about the renovation in another post.

This weekend we went back to the house a few times to drop off some of the things we've already packed up. And most importantly we brought hub's second car out of storage and gave it a proper home in our garage. We've only been homeowners for a few days and the hubs is already loving his new 2 car garage.

It's an exciting time for us and we can't wait to be fully moved in and living in our home. Hopefully everything goes according to plan and we'll be all settled in soon.

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